Best Ways to Make Your Smashed Potatoes Truly Pop

Photo by Hai Nguyen on Unsplash

It’s pretty much impossible to find a veggie more versatile than potatoes, and you can transform it into more delicious dishes than we can count. Smashed potatoes are one of the most underrated potato dishes on the market, and our brief guide will help you take them to new heights.

Boil Them First

Never forget to boil your potatoes until they’re fork-tender before smashing them. This step is a non-negotiable because your potatoes won’t be soft enough to be smashed if you don’t boil them first.

Right Variety

Not all potato verities are created equal, and the one you choose for this dish will determine how delicious it will taste. Smaller and medium-sized Russets or Yukon Gold potatoes are the best possible option and offer an unparalleled flavor experience.

Smash Gently

Smaller and medium-sized potatoes are the best possible choice because it’s easier to smash them to perfection. You should also make sure to keep your movements gentle and controlled because you’ll ruin the texture of your potatoes if you’re smashing them too hard.

Seasoning Bonanza

The right choice of seasonings can take your smashed potatoes from ordinary to mouth-watering. You can use everything from minced garlic and paprika to rosemary and thyme to elevate their taste.