Beergaritas are a Fun Mexican Drink

You might know how to make a margarita in your own kitchen, but have you ever tried whipping together a beergarita before?

This margarita-like drink has a special ingredient than you can probably guess from its name, and trust us when we say that it’s both refreshing and delicious. Here’s how to make one at home!


  • 1 12 ounce bottle Mexican lager (Tecate, Corona, Dos Equis, etc)
  • 4 ounces tequila
  • 2 ounces fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • 4 ounces lime juice
  • 1 ounce simple syrup
  • Ice, to taste
  • Lime slices, for garnish
  • Coarse salt, for garnish


(this recipe will yield 2-4 beergaritas)

  1. Start off by combining the bottle of Mexican lager with the tequila in a pitcher. Once you’ve done this, add the orange juice, lime juice, and simple syrup and stir gently.
  2. After this has been done, add ice to taste to the pitcher. This will help to serve the mixture cold.
  3. Finally, pour the beergaritas into a margarita glass and serve garnished with a lime slice and with coarse salt. You might even find that sticking an empty beer bottle that you’ve used for the recipe into the glass adds a nice, creative touch.
