Beautiful Bombay Potato Frittata Will Warm You Up This Fall

Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash

This Bombay potato frittata is bursting with vibrant flavors and will put a smile on your face this fall. Not only is it warming and wholesome, but it is packed full of diverse nutrients and quality minerals.

Here’s how to make it.

Gather Ingredients

You will need 4 sliced new potatoes, 100g chopped baby spinach, 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil, 1 onion, 1 large finely grates garlic clove, 1/2 teaspoon coriander, cumin, black mustard seeds, turmeric, 3 tomatoes, 2 large eggs, 1/2 green chili, 1 small bunch coriander, 1 tablespoon mango chutney, 3 tablespoons Greek yogurt.

Prepare Potatoes

Boil the potatoes for 6 minutes or until tender. Drain and leave to steam-dry. Meanwhile, microwave spinach with 1 tablespoon water for 3 minutes on high.


After heating the rapeseed oil in a medium non-stick pan, add the onion and cook for 10 minutes or until golden and sticky. Then stir in the coriander, cumin, garlic, mustard seeds and turmeric, and cook for another 1 minute. Add tomatoes, wilted spinach, and potatoes and cook for another 3 minutes.

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3-Ingredient Baked Spinach Cherry Tomato Frittata 超簡單菠菜番茄烘蛋 😋 [有片睇] . For the video recipe – see the link on my profile 🤣 (yes I actually recorded a video and posted it on YouTube a while ago… would love to hear what you think!) . This baked dish is so nutritious and healthy yet sooo delicious 😆 . #foolproofseries超級無敵簡單系列 (中文食譜喺下面) . 0. Preheat oven to 180C (convection mode) . 1. Chop a handful of cherry tomatoes in half . 2. Crack 3 eggs into a bowl, add cooked spinach, salt and black pepper, mix everything well . 3. Pour egg mixture into an oven-proof container, add in the chopped tomatoes and sprinkle the mixture with grated cheese very generously . 4. Bake at 180C (convection mode) for 20 minutes . #簡易食譜 呢一個餸真係懶人之選,完全唔需要任何功夫,材料簡單、步驟少,但真係又健康又好味!如果你本身鍾意食雞蛋,咁就一定要save低呢個食譜啦~ . 順帶一提,我好耐之前幫呢個食譜拍左條片,如果大家有興趣,可以去我個profile㩒入條link😝歡迎大家話俾我知你哋嘅意見~ . 0. 首先將焗爐預熱到180度 . 1. 將啲蕃茄切粒 . 2. 係一隻碗入面打三隻蛋,落啲煮熟咗嘅菠菜,加少少鹽同黑胡椒碎調味,攪勻 . 3. 將蛋漿倒入可放入焗爐嘅容器,加入蕃茄粒,再鋪滿芝士碎 . 4. 喺預熱咗180度嘅焗爐焗20分鐘,搞掂! . #frittata #spinachrecipes #cherrytomatoes #eggsofinstagram #eggrecipes #egggang #omelette #bakedeggs #bakedegg #hkfoodie #hongkongfoodblogger #香港美食 #feedfeed #bakedwithlove #bakedwithlove #nomnoms #subtleasiancooking #foodstyling #foodstamping #easyrecipes #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #cleaneating #食譜 #自己煮 #brunchtime #breakfastideas #eggslut

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Heat the grill to medium and lightly beat in the eggs with the chili and fresh coriander. Pour over the potato mixture. Grill for 4-5 minutes or until golden. You want it to be just set, with a very slight wobble in the middle.


After the frittata’s cooled, cut it into wedges and mix the mango chutney, yogurt and remaining fresh coriander together. Serve.