5 Ways to Cook Your Eggs in the Morning

    Eggs are the perfect food for breakfast. Packed full of protein, they provide a slow release of energy throughout the day and they can go with almost anything. Not only do they taste great, but they are very easy to prepare in several ways depending on your mood.


    Poached eggs are fantastic on toast or in a salad. They are boiled in water without their shells to make a firm white body with a runny yolk. Add some salt and pepper, and you have yourself a delicious start to the day.

    Soft Boiled

    Another classic technique for preparing your eggs is to soft boil them. Add the eggs to boiling water for around two minutes, and then serve in their shells. The egg white should have a gooey consistency and the yolk should be runny. Dip in slices of toast and enjoy!


    If you prefer your eggs without a runny yolk, try scrambling them. Mix the egg white and yoke together and fry over a gentle heat. Scrambled eggs are best served on toast or with sausages and tomato.


    If you are looking for something a bit more substantial, a great option is an omelet. Fry whisked egg until its firm, and add your pick of toppings.


    The easiest and quickest way to prepare your eggs is to fry them in olive oil. Just break your eggs directly onto a heated pan and cook them until they go white.