4 Foods You Should Never Wash

Photo by Chelsea London Phillips on Unsplash

Knowing all the right ways to cook, wash and keep foods is definitely not easy. There are so many tips and tricks you should know. That’s why we come to the rescue. Today we bring you the top four foods you should never wash.


A lot of us tend to wash chicken breasts before we fry or grill them. This is not only a very unnecessary step, but it can also lead to further contamination. Washing the meat with water does not kill bacteria, it can only spread them.



Pasta is also one of the foods you should never wash. If you’ve been doing it so far, you have to stop. This is very important, especially after you’ve cooked it. Many people tend to wash it with cold water and that is why the sauces don’t really taste as good and don’t stick to it.


All eggs that are sold are previously thoroughly cleaned and washed according to special standards. That is why your only job is to cook them.


Mushrooms can change their taste if they are washed, and especially held in water. They have the ability to absorb water, so they will definitely not be as delicious as they should be.