3 Tips For Homemade Tea Brewing

Photo by Františka Ambrózyová/Pexels

Making a delicious cup of hot tea might seem easy, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Brewing a truly satisfying cup requires some experience—which is where we come in. If you’re looking to brew a delicious cup of tea, you’ve come to the right place. Check out these tips to brew a cup of tea that would impress any guest.

Water Temperature Matters

Different types of teas need different water temperatures for the best flavor. Black teas are best brewed just under boiling point, while green and white teas should be steeped between 150 and 175 degrees Fahrenheit. This step is crucial for a flavorful and well-brewed tea.

Timing Is Key

Steeping time matters too. Don’t let your tea bag sit too short or too long in the water. For black tea, aim for about four to five minutes, while white and green teas usually need three to four minutes to avoid bitterness.

Tea-to-Water Ratio

Finally, if you’re using a regular tea bag, use about eight ounces of water for a tasty cup. When working with loose leaf tea, a general guideline is around one teaspoon of tea per eight ounces of water. This ratio ensures a balanced and flavorful brew.