Your Step-By-Step Guide to Making a Trifle

When choosing a dessert for a special occasion, you want something that hasn’t been overly done, and that makes a statement. With trifles, you can have them match color schemes and you can swap in any cake flavor, berries, pudding, frosting, or sauce you want. The perfect trifle is all about presentation and here’s your step-by-step guide for how to make one that’s Instagram worthy!

Step 1: Start With a Sauce

Spread a layer of sauce, pudding, or frosting to the bottom of your dish.

Step 2: Top With Crumbled Cake

For the next layer, add cake cubes on top of the sauce, making sure it’s distributed equally. There are tons of cakes you can choose from including pumpkin bread, gingerbread, brownies, or ladyfingers.

Step 3: Add More Sauce

Add more sauce for the third layer so the cake absorbs all the flavors of the sauce. You can also add a berry trifle between the cakes and the second layer of sauce. Don’t add to much sauce as you want your cake cubes to still be visible.

Step 4: Add Fruit

Top the trifle with a sweet fruit compote or fresh cut-up fruit. Make sure you evenly distribute the fruit, instead of having it all in the center. You can also use chocolate curls or chocolate candies instead of fruit.

Step 5: Top With Whipped Cream

Add a dollop of whipped cream for the final layer as it will take your trifle to the next level. You can dust candied ginger, cocoa powder, a sprig of fresh mint, or sprinkles over the whipped cream to add a bit more flavor.