Watch Out For Hidden Sugars

Photo by Jo Sonn on Unsplash

While sugar is known around the world as something that we’d like to avoid, it’s also everywhere, making it pretty darn hard to do so. Indeed, it’s not enough to just avoid surface-level sweets such as candy—we have to constantly be on our guard. So, if you’re wondering whether or not you’re consuming too much sugar, here are a few places where sugar “sneaks” its way into your body.

The Healthy Sugar Trap

It’s so common for us to over-consume sugar because we think it’s okay since it’s a healthy sugar. Fruit is probably the best example of this. While fruits do contain healthy sugars, you should still only eat them in moderation because otherwise it’s too much sugar.

Fruit Juices

This leads us to classic drinks such as orange juice or apple juice. Similar to the last example, many operate under the assumption that because they’re fruit-based drinks, they must be healthy. But in addition to the healthy sugars we brought up, these juices also contain plenty of added sugars as well—at least in the store-bought varieties.

Too Much Tea and Coffee

And finally, it’s time to address the fact that so many people love their tea and coffee breaks. During these breaks, some assume that a small spoon of sugar in their coffee is no big deal. But when you add up multiple coffee breaks together, you have yourself a solid amount of sugar consumption.