Two Amazing Ways To Transform Tortillas

Photo: kaboompics/Pixabay

Tortillas are an awesome product to keep in your pantry. They have a good shelf life, are very reasonably priced, and are really thin so they don’t take up much room. But, if you aren’t always in the mood to have burritos and tacos all the time, there are still really cool ways to use them.


If you are going on a day hike or camping, tortillas are an awesome food to bring. Because they don’t take up much room, they aren’t heavy to carry, which is good if you have a lot of gear. Plus, you can put just about anything in them! Whether it is meat or just peanut butter and jelly, tortillas are the way to go.


A fun math lesson to do with kids is to use tortillas to make tortilla chips! Tortillas can be a great tool to teach them about fractions in a way that is tangible. All you have to do is cut the tortilla into as many segments as you want, and then when the lesson is over, put them in a baking sheet and cover them with olive oil, salt, and lime juice. Bake until crispy but not burned, and enjoy!