Jamie Oliver’s Tips To Make Cooking Easier

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Although cooking feels incredibly rewarding, it is also tiring, especially when recipes get complicated. Fortunately, Jamie Oliver has some simple yet effective tips that will make cooking far easier and more enjoyable.

Do Batch Cooking

Find a quiet time during your weekend to set aside to do some bulk cooking for the week ahead. Not only does this save you time during your week, but it also makes it far easier to meal plan. You’ll also be able to free up some space in your freezer for the next batch.

Don’t Waste Your Leftovers

While you may feel tempted to throw out your leftovers, don’t. You could always repurpose your old ingredients in new dishes. If you have any leftover chicken, beef, or vegetables, then consider tossing them in a salad or perhaps throw them in a pan for a stir fry.

Use Your Microwave

Not every meal requires you to slave away at your oven or stove. If you’re short on time or perhaps don’t feel the desire to try a complicated recipe, then there’s no shame in using your microwave to heat up a quick and tasty meal.