How to Prepare a Large Meal On Your Own

large meal
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Preparing a meal for a large group all by yourself can be an overwhelming endeavor. It’s completely natural to feel a bit stressed in such situations, especially if you’re not accustomed to cooking such big meals. But fret not, because you’re not alone in this. There are ways to make this culinary challenge more manageable, and here’s what they are.

Ask For Help

Before even beginning, don’t just assume that you have to everything yourself. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. While it might seem like a deviation from the initial plan, seeking assistance can significantly ease the burden. Asking friends or family members to lend a hand with chopping vegetables, stirring pots, or setting the table can really make things a lot easier.

Write Down Every Step

A few days ahead of your cooking marathon, put your thoughts and ideas down on paper. Create a detailed plan for the entire cooking process. Start by listing every dish you intend to make and all the ingredients you’ll need. Then, take it a step further by mapping out when you’ll be preparing each dish and how long each step will take. This will give you a lot of peace of mind for your process.