How To Cook Whole Rice Easily

Image by Martin Hetto from Pixabay

Whole rice is a healthier alternative to white rice, and its nutritional value is excellent. But for some cooks, its preparation can be a little more complex and difficult.

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🇮🇹 Oggi dal pescivendolo c’erano dei meravigliosi gamberi rosa e rossi e non ho resistito: mi sono preparata un riso integrale saltato con gamberi, condito con il fumetto fatto con le teste e i carapaci. Il riso integrale è perfetto per queste preparazioni veloci perché resta al dente e ben sgranato. Vi lascio la RICETTA al volo per 4 persone : ✔️ pulire 600 grammi di gamberi, pelare e fare a pezzetti mezza carota, sedano e poca cipolla. ✔️ Rosolare le verdure in poco olio extravergine, poi unire teste e carapaci dei gamberi. Rosolare a fuoco vivo e schiacciare le teste per fare fuoriuscire i succhi. ✔️Sfumare con pochissimo vino bianco e aggiungere un bicchiere d’acqua. ✔️Salare e cuocere per 20 minuti. Filtrare il fumetto. ✔️ Lessare 300 grammi di riso integrale e scolarlo al dente. ✔️ Saltare i gamberi in poco olio extravergine, sale e pepe a fuoco alto. Bastano pochi secondi. ✔️ Saltare il riso in padella con un filo di olio e unire qualche cucchiaio di fumetto di gamberi per insaporire il riso. ✔️ Aggiungere i gamberi, pepe nero e basilico. BUON PRANZO! ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ 🇮🇹 Today I found wonderful pink and red prawns and I could not resist: I prepared a brown rice with prawns, seasoned with a prawns sauce. Brown rice is perfect for these quick preparations because it remains al dente and well-shelled. RECIPE on for 4 people: ✔️ clean 600 grams of prawns, peel and chop half carrot, celery and a little onion. ✔️ Brown the vegetables in a little extra-virgin olive oil, then add the prawn heads. Brown over high heat and crush the heads to let the juices escape. ✔️Smooth with very little white wine and add a glass of water. ✔️Salt it and cook for 20 minutes. Filter. ✔️ Boil 300 grams of brown rice and drain it al dente. ✔️ Skip the prawns in a little extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper over high heat. Just a few seconds. ✔️ Sauté the rice in a pan with a little oil and add a few tablespoons of prawns sauce to flavor the rice. ✔️ Add the prawns, black pepper and basil. GOOD LUNCH!

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So how do you make the perfect whole rice?

First, heat a saucepan over medium heat with some oil and add the rice, along with the spices of your choice. Salt, cumin, paprika, turmeric, curry powder, or scallions—all go great with whole rice.

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I want to talk about rice: it's a cereal grain easy to be digested and rich in B-group vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium and iron. It's always better to choose whole cereal grains, cause they are richer in vitamins, minerals and fibers and have a lower glycemic index. Whole basmati rice is a nutty and fragrant rice and keeps it's crunchiness after cooking. It's the one with the lowest fat content. Whole red rice is a sweet and aromatic variety. It's rich in polyphenols and mineral salts and helps reducing the bad cholesterol levels. Venus black rice has an intense flavor and is rich in antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties. It's high in fibers, contain vitamin E and has the highest protein content. From top to bottom: whole basmati rice, whole rice, whole red long rice, venus black rice. // 🇮🇹 Stasera vi voglio parlare del riso: è un cereale facilmente digeribile e ad alto valore biologico, ricco di vitamine del gruppo B, fosforo, potassio, magnesio, calcio, rame, zinco, selenio e ferro. Come sempre è da preferire il riso integrale, che è più ricco di vitamine, minerali e fibre e a minor impatto glicemico. Il riso basmati integrale è un riso fragrante e profumato, che resta sempre sodo e con i chicchi separati. È quello con minor contenuto lipidico. Il riso rosso integrale è una varietà dal sapore dolce e aromatico e che resta sempre croccante. E’ ricco di polifenoli e sali minerali, inoltre aiuta ad abbassare i livelli di colesterolo cattivo. Il riso venere ha un sapore intenso ed è ricco di antociani, antiossidanti noti per le loro proprietà antinfiammatorie e antinvecchiamento. È ricco di fibre, contiene vitamina E e è quello col contenuto proteico più elevato. Dall'alto al basso: riso basmati integrale, riso integrale, riso rosso lungo integrale, riso nero venere.

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For each cup of rice, add 1 1/4 cups of boiling water. Close the lid, and cook over low heat until the rice is ready. Each type of rice needs a different cooking time, and over time you will understand how long the rice you use needs.

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WHOLE RICE WITH CURRY AND COCONUT (🇬🇧Below ⬇️) Ingredientes (2 personas): 🔺140gr de arroz integral crudo 🔺1c/p de aceite de coco 🔺1c/p de sal 🔺1c/p de pimienta negra 🔺1c/p de curry 🔺160gr de pollo 🔺1 cebolla Preparación: Para el arroz integral: 1️⃣ Limpiar bien el arroz 2️⃣ Hervir agua en una olla y cocinar el arroz durante 25-30 minutos 3️⃣ Escurrir con agua fría debajo del grifo. A continuación introducir en la olla vacía 1c/p de aceite de coco, sal, pimienta y curry al gusto. Saltear el arroz durante unos minutos Para la cebolla: 1️⃣ Añadir aceite de oliva a una sartén. Cuando esta esté caliente saltear la cebolla cortada a trocitos pequeños. Añadirle un vaso de vino blanco para cocinar y dejar que vaya haciendo chup-chup, hasta que se quede seca. Añadir un vaso de agua y repetir el proceso hasta que la cebolla quede “caramelizada” Para el pollo: 3️⃣ Añadir aceite de oliva a una sartén. Cuando esta esté caliente cocinar el pollo cortado en daditos añadiendo pimienta al gusto ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Ingredients (2 people): 🔺140gr of raw brown rice 🔺1 tea spoon of coconut oil 🔺1 tea spoon of of salt 🔺1 tea spoon of black pepper 🔺1 tea spoon of of curry 🔺160gr of chicken 🔺1 onion Preparation: For the brown rice: 1️⃣ Clean the rice well 2️⃣ Boil water in a pot and cook the rice for 25-30 minutes 3️⃣ Drain with cold water under the tap. Then add 1 tea spoon of of coconut oil, salt, pepper and curry in the empty pot. Sauté the rice for a few minutes For the onion: 1️⃣ Cut the onions into strips 2️⃣Add olive oil to a pan. When it is hot, sauté the onion. Add a glass of white wine and let it cook until it’s dry. Add a glass of water and repeat the process until the onion is "caramelized" (2-3 times more, it takes time) For the chicken: 1️⃣ Cut the chicken into cubes 2️⃣ Add olive oil to a pan. When it is hot, cook the chicken adding pepper to taste #comeypedalea #alwayskeep #alwayskeepteam #nutrition #nutricionista #nutricionistadeportiva #nutriciondeportiva #healthy #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #dieta #dietasaludable #recetas #comidareal #comida #recoverymeal #realfooder #ciclismo #ciclismofemenino #cycling #cocorice #wholerice #arrozintegral

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At the end of cooking, leave the lid closed for another 5-10 minutes, to allow the rice to absorb the remaining moisture in the pot. Only then remove the lid and crumble the rice gently with a fork so that the rice does not stick.

Whole rice is especially suitable in soups, with various sauces, as a side dish, in a hot or cold salad, and as a stew.