How Authentic Sashimi is Prepared

Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

Ah, there’s nothing like a tasty slab of sashimi to inspire the taste buds when you need it most. Indeed, sashimi is one of those foods that screams elegance and class and still manages to breathe an air of authenticity. This is because sashimi is made with precision and professionalism, even when it’s not always obvious. Here’s how authentic sashimi is prepared.

Quality Cuts

The first thing a sashimi chef does is choose the best possible quality fish around. This shows their level of professionalism before they’ve even picked up a knife because detecting a quality fish is a lot easier said than done.

Freezing it

Once they’ve actually decided which fish they’re going to use, the next step is arguably the most important of all—putting the fish into the freezer to kill all of the bacteria and toxins. This is the part that actually makes the raw fish okay for human consumption, and we all know how important that is.

The Presentation

Finally, the main part that we as consumers actually notice—is the presentation of the sashimi. Sashimi chefs are incredibly adept at using knives and carving their masterpieces exactly to their liking. They’re also amazing at adding the perfect seasoning, which is ultimately the final step in the process.