Don’t Eat Meat? Try These Burgers Instead

LikeMeat Like Burger - Soya based, photographer & cook: Line Tscherning
Photo by LikeMeat on Unsplash

The days when veggie burgers didn’t hold a candle to regular burgers are long gone. Sure, a meat burger is a meat burger, and there’s only so much you can do to replicate it without using meat. However, in recent years, meatless burger companies realized something. Instead of trying to completely replicate burgers, they could make meatless burgers that are unique in their own way. Here are three meatless burger brands that did just that.


We thought we’d kick things off with a brand that’s less well-known than its counterparts on this life. Lightlife isn’t as popular as some of the big dogs, but it’s on the rise, and for good reason.

Impossible Burger

There’s a reason that when you walk into most restaurants, there’s usually an option to buy an Impossible Burger. That’s because they make some of the best meatless burgers in the world, which offer a powerful blend between a meat-like flavor and a healthy finish.

Beyond Meat

The other popular brand in town is none other than Beyond Meat. They too are world-renowned for their ability to craft delicious patties that have absolutely no meat in them, making for a tasty meal that’ll leave you feeling energized afterward.