Cool Off with These Delicious Summer Drinks

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

The days are hot, very hot. There is nothing like having a cold drink on the terrace or in the park on a hot summer day, to relieve some of the humidity and heat. Here are some of the best, trendy summer drinks from around the internet that can assist with the heat.

Dalguna Ice Coffee

The Korean trend that has swept the world. Add instant coffee, sugar, water, and ice—and you have a cold, beautiful, and refreshing drink.

Ice Chai Latte

a modern variation on the ancient Indian drink. With a scent of cloves and cardamom, spices and ice, subtle sweetness and spiciness, this is an amazing drink to end a hot day with.

Soda Water, Apples and Pomegranates

A refreshing sour-sweet drink. It is recommended to add decorative flowers to a tall glass and take a beautiful photo for social media while you are vacationing at the beach.

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This bitter and cool trend has recently been sweeping the internet. Bitter tonic with deep-brown espresso and ice cubes, what could be better?

Banana-coconut Milkshake

3 ingredients and a blender. That’s all you will need for this amazing and cool drink, in a beautiful yellowish color and a deep and rich taste.