Alison Roman’s Instagram is a Savory Treat

If you aren’t following American cook Alison Roman on Instagram yet, then you’re truly missing out. Based in Brooklyn, Roman is the author of the New York Times bestseller Nothing Fancy and the bestseller Dining In. But you don’t have to be an expert to follow her recipes.

In fact, according to Roman, when it comes to cooking, she quite literally follows her gut. “I’m not looking to reinvent the wheel every time,” she admitted in a recent interview with The New Consumer. “I just want to make people happy, honestly, and give them a reason to feel good about making food.”

Her recipes include anything from a simple sandwich to crispy buttered turmeric rice with almonds and herbs (and if your mouth isn’t watering yet, you’re a lost cause!). Describes herself as an unwavering champion of small, oily, tinned fishes everywhere, at least two of Roman’s recipes turned into a viral phenomenon (a Cookies recipe and a Stew one).

But According to Roman, she’s not in it for the likes and shares. “If I had maxed out [Instagram followers] today, that would be fine,” she relayed. “If I maxed out last year, that would have been fine, too. That’s never been my objective. It’s never been my goal. I have never done anything to try to amass followers. It’s happening organically.”

You should follow her just the same.