5 Tips for Cooking With Tofu

Photo by shri on Unsplash

If you’ve been hesitant to cook with tofu because of its bland reputation, be confident that with the right techniques, it can become a delicious and satisfying addition to your meals. Here are five tips to help you unlock its full potential. It’s not as hard as you think. 

Choose the Right Tofu

Tofu comes in various textures: soft, medium, firm, and extra-firm. Use extra-firm for stir-fries and grilling, and opt for silken or soft tofu in smoothies and desserts.

Press and Drain

Before cooking, remove excess moisture from tofu. Place it between towels, then weigh it down for 15-30 minutes. This enhances flavor absorption and texture.

Marinate for Flavor

Tofu’s neutral taste makes it ideal for soaking up marinades. Create one with soy sauce, garlic, ginger, vinegar, and seasonings. Marinate for at least 30 minutes or overnight for maximum flavor.

Try Different Methods

Experiment with frying, baking, grilling, sautéing, or blending tofu into sauces. Each method has a unique texture. Try pan-frying or baking for crispiness and grilling for a smoky char.

Season and Spice

Don’t hold back on seasonings. Tofu pairs well with garlic, chili flakes, sesame oil, and more. Generously season to create a flavorful dish.