5 Things You Should Pay Attention to When Looking for Healthy Protein Bars

Protein Bars
Photo by Nature Zen on Unsplash

Contrary to popular belief, protein bars aren’t really the healthiest snack on the market. They’re often packed with sugar and empty calories, but healthy options do exist – and our brief guide is here to help you find them!

Added Sugars

Added sugars are the main reason why protein bars aren’t as healthy as most people think. They often contain artificial additives and sweeteners, so it’s important to check their labels and make sure they contain natural sweeteners.

Protein Sources

Look for bars with high protein content – ideally 10-15 grams – that come from such natural sources as whey, nuts, seeds, and plant-based protein such as pae and hemp protein.

Fiber Content

A good protein bar should contain a healthy amount of fiber, and be packed with such natural and fiber-rich ingredients like oats, nuts, seeds – and even fruits.

Healthy Fats

Protein bars often contain fats, and it’s important to make sure to opt for the ones that are packed with healthy sources of fat, such as nuts, seeds, and nut butter.

Calorie Count

Even if you’re not counting calories, all the unhealthy ingredients can significantly increase the calorie content of protein bars, so it’s usually best to opt for ones with a lower calorie count.