blender Archives - Tue, 14 Sep 2021 09:55:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Foods to Avoid Putting in a Blender Mon, 20 Sep 2021 08:45:00 +0000 No kitchen is complete without a good blender, but there are some things you shouldn’t do with this kitchen gadget despite its incredible versatility. Certain types of food won’t blend properly when you put them inside and they may even end up damaging your blender. Here are five to avoid putting into your blender. Mashed […]

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No kitchen is complete without a good blender, but there are some things you shouldn’t do with this kitchen gadget despite its incredible versatility. Certain types of food won’t blend properly when you put them inside and they may even end up damaging your blender. Here are five to avoid putting into your blender.

Mashed Potatoes

Making mashed potatoes in a blender is a huge no-no. Your potatoes will release too much starch, leading to a soggy texture that won’t taste that great.


If you’re looking for a way to blend your spices, a spice grinder is a good investment because standard blenders aren’t that effective when it comes to dry ingredients.

Dried Fruits

Unless you want your dried fruits to stick to the blades of your blender and potently ruin them, avoid putting them inside. The same rule applies to sun-dried tomatoes.

Hot Liquids

Hot liquids don’t belong anywhere near your blender and pouring them inside can lead to a total disaster. The lid of your blender may even end up exploding because of the pressure they’ll create when trapped inside.

Frozen Goods

Frozen fruits and ice cubes are a common ingredient in many smoothie recipes, but a standard blender won’t be strong enough to deal with them. In addition to damaging your blades, super-frozen foods won’t blend evenly.

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Blender vs. Food Processor: When Should You Use Them? Wed, 02 Sep 2020 17:16:00 +0000 While blenders and food processors may seem to be similar as both are motorized and use spinning blades to break down food, they actually work very differently. They also differ based on their shapes—blenders are taller and narrower with one small blade at the bottom while food processors are wider and they come with larger, […]

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While blenders and food processors may seem to be similar as both are motorized and use spinning blades to break down food, they actually work very differently. They also differ based on their shapes—blenders are taller and narrower with one small blade at the bottom while food processors are wider and they come with larger, sharper S-shaped blades. Blenders also have different speeds and food processors usually just have an on, off, and pulse setting. So, when should you use a blender and when should use you a food processor?


Blenders work well for pureeing ingredients into smooth liquids like soups and smoothies and for mixing ingredients like dressings and sauces. For cocktails or slushy drinks, you’ll want to use your blender. Blenders also work well for aerating liquids like pancake batters, cheesecake batters, and cake batters.

Food Processor

Food processors are great for chopping and blending herbs, cheese, nuts, and oils into pesto, blending beans into dips, and breaking nuts into butter. To chop, slice, or shred vegetables or hard cheeses, food processors can work like mandolins if you have a slicing blade. Lastly, you can knead dough in a food processor for cookie dough, kneaded dough, and pie dough.

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 👉レシピ有  #グリーンフムス ギリシャなど中東地域で食べられている ひよこ豆をペーストにした伝統料理フムスに たっぷりのグリーン野菜やハーブを加えて アレンジしたグリーンフムスを作りました。  写真のようにバゲット以外にも 🥙ピタパンに塗ったり 🥪サンドイッチに挟んだり 🥦野菜のディップや 🥩お肉のソテーに添えるソースに   材料(5〜6人分) ひよこ豆(水煮缶)…300g グリーン野菜…150g (写真はほうれん草、小松菜、バジル) アボカド…1/2個 タヒニ(なければ白練り胡麻)…30g ニンニク…2片 ★オリーブオイル…大さじ2〜3 ★塩…小さじ3/4〜1 ★レモン果汁…1/2個分  (下ごしらえ) ・野菜は洗って根を落とし 適当な大きさに切る。 ・アボカドは種と皮を除く。 ・ニンニクは皮と芯を除く。  (作り方) ①Cuisinart「フードプロセッサー」に 全ての材料と★を加えてなめらかに攪拌する。 (水煮缶の匂いが気になる方は一度レンジで 温め直してからご使用ください。)  ②味を見ながら塩気を調え、水煮の汁を 加えたりオイルを追加して好みの固さにする。 (写真は加えずに仕上げています。)  ③皿に盛りつけてお好みでオリーブオイル、 パプリカパウダーやクミンパウダーをあしらう。 バゲットなどを添える。  フレッシュの葉物を攪拌すると少し繊維感が 残ってつぶつぶが消えないこともありますが クイジナートはパワーが素晴らしくこの通り✨   (製品詳細)業務用機種と同じモーターを搭載で永く 使える安心の耐久性と静音だけど強力なパワーを実現。 攪拌するだけではなく付属の6種のブレードで切る・刻む・こねる・まぜる・薄切り・細切り・おろしと何役も。 大容量だから下ごしらえの時間もあっという間。 (機種名)フードプロセッサーL (品番)DLC-192J   #クイジナート #Cuisinart #フードプロセッサー #フードプロセッサーL #クイジナートlove  #クイジナートのある暮らし

A post shared by 綱渕 礼子 Reiko tsunabuchi (@reiko.t.table) on

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> blender Archives - Tue, 14 Sep 2021 09:55:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Foods to Avoid Putting in a Blender Mon, 20 Sep 2021 08:45:00 +0000 No kitchen is complete without a good blender, but there are some things you shouldn’t do with this kitchen gadget despite its incredible versatility. Certain types of food won’t blend properly when you put them inside and they may even end up damaging your blender. Here are five to avoid putting into your blender. Mashed […]

The post 5 Foods to Avoid Putting in a Blender appeared first on

No kitchen is complete without a good blender, but there are some things you shouldn’t do with this kitchen gadget despite its incredible versatility. Certain types of food won’t blend properly when you put them inside and they may even end up damaging your blender. Here are five to avoid putting into your blender.

Mashed Potatoes

Making mashed potatoes in a blender is a huge no-no. Your potatoes will release too much starch, leading to a soggy texture that won’t taste that great.


If you’re looking for a way to blend your spices, a spice grinder is a good investment because standard blenders aren’t that effective when it comes to dry ingredients.

Dried Fruits

Unless you want your dried fruits to stick to the blades of your blender and potently ruin them, avoid putting them inside. The same rule applies to sun-dried tomatoes.

Hot Liquids

Hot liquids don’t belong anywhere near your blender and pouring them inside can lead to a total disaster. The lid of your blender may even end up exploding because of the pressure they’ll create when trapped inside.

Frozen Goods

Frozen fruits and ice cubes are a common ingredient in many smoothie recipes, but a standard blender won’t be strong enough to deal with them. In addition to damaging your blades, super-frozen foods won’t blend evenly.

The post 5 Foods to Avoid Putting in a Blender appeared first on

Blender vs. Food Processor: When Should You Use Them? Wed, 02 Sep 2020 17:16:00 +0000 While blenders and food processors may seem to be similar as both are motorized and use spinning blades to break down food, they actually work very differently. They also differ based on their shapes—blenders are taller and narrower with one small blade at the bottom while food processors are wider and they come with larger, […]

The post Blender vs. Food Processor: When Should You Use Them? appeared first on

While blenders and food processors may seem to be similar as both are motorized and use spinning blades to break down food, they actually work very differently. They also differ based on their shapes—blenders are taller and narrower with one small blade at the bottom while food processors are wider and they come with larger, sharper S-shaped blades. Blenders also have different speeds and food processors usually just have an on, off, and pulse setting. So, when should you use a blender and when should use you a food processor?


Blenders work well for pureeing ingredients into smooth liquids like soups and smoothies and for mixing ingredients like dressings and sauces. For cocktails or slushy drinks, you’ll want to use your blender. Blenders also work well for aerating liquids like pancake batters, cheesecake batters, and cake batters.

Food Processor

Food processors are great for chopping and blending herbs, cheese, nuts, and oils into pesto, blending beans into dips, and breaking nuts into butter. To chop, slice, or shred vegetables or hard cheeses, food processors can work like mandolins if you have a slicing blade. Lastly, you can knead dough in a food processor for cookie dough, kneaded dough, and pie dough.

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 👉レシピ有  #グリーンフムス ギリシャなど中東地域で食べられている ひよこ豆をペーストにした伝統料理フムスに たっぷりのグリーン野菜やハーブを加えて アレンジしたグリーンフムスを作りました。  写真のようにバゲット以外にも 🥙ピタパンに塗ったり 🥪サンドイッチに挟んだり 🥦野菜のディップや 🥩お肉のソテーに添えるソースに   材料(5〜6人分) ひよこ豆(水煮缶)…300g グリーン野菜…150g (写真はほうれん草、小松菜、バジル) アボカド…1/2個 タヒニ(なければ白練り胡麻)…30g ニンニク…2片 ★オリーブオイル…大さじ2〜3 ★塩…小さじ3/4〜1 ★レモン果汁…1/2個分  (下ごしらえ) ・野菜は洗って根を落とし 適当な大きさに切る。 ・アボカドは種と皮を除く。 ・ニンニクは皮と芯を除く。  (作り方) ①Cuisinart「フードプロセッサー」に 全ての材料と★を加えてなめらかに攪拌する。 (水煮缶の匂いが気になる方は一度レンジで 温め直してからご使用ください。)  ②味を見ながら塩気を調え、水煮の汁を 加えたりオイルを追加して好みの固さにする。 (写真は加えずに仕上げています。)  ③皿に盛りつけてお好みでオリーブオイル、 パプリカパウダーやクミンパウダーをあしらう。 バゲットなどを添える。  フレッシュの葉物を攪拌すると少し繊維感が 残ってつぶつぶが消えないこともありますが クイジナートはパワーが素晴らしくこの通り✨   (製品詳細)業務用機種と同じモーターを搭載で永く 使える安心の耐久性と静音だけど強力なパワーを実現。 攪拌するだけではなく付属の6種のブレードで切る・刻む・こねる・まぜる・薄切り・細切り・おろしと何役も。 大容量だから下ごしらえの時間もあっという間。 (機種名)フードプロセッサーL (品番)DLC-192J   #クイジナート #Cuisinart #フードプロセッサー #フードプロセッサーL #クイジナートlove  #クイジナートのある暮らし

A post shared by 綱渕 礼子 Reiko tsunabuchi (@reiko.t.table) on

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